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Welcome to EXXERGY

EXXERGY is a network of leading expert consultants for the renewable energy industry and the glass industry. The goal of EXXERGY is to further your business success by our consultancy and know-how transfer services. EXXERGY consists of a cross-functional team with decades of experience in technical optimization, strategy, organizational development and change management. The team of senior managers has a wealth of operational management experience. EXXERGY’s consulting method consists of a well balanced strategy, technical, marketing/sales, and organizational management driven approach.

Why is EXXERGY uniquely qualified to support your business success ?

  • EXXERGY is focusing its activities on renewable energies (RE) and is therefore well established with a proven track record in the RE-sector because of a thorough understanding of the international RE-markets as well as its needs with a focus on operational excellence
  • EXXERGY listens to and understands its customers executing tailor made approaches and solutions
  • EXXERGY and its experts have successfully performed manufacturer performance assessments in various industries, including PV-module production (poly-silicon and thin film), PV-inverter production, microelectronics, glass melting and processing operations
  • EXXERGY’s technology background is very strong with production and R&D senior managers on the team that have decades of know-how throughout the value chain
  • EXXERGY has a thorough understanding of the PV-industry, it’s cycles, business rules, trends (political, technological, demand, supply etc.)
  • EXXERGY has a long and extensive experience in supporting complex international (change) management and strategy related processes including M&A
  • EXXERGY is the expert in working out sustainable strategies for the RE industry
  • EXXERGY has a sound understanding of management tools and methodology to reach set goals
  • Many solar market-players such as PV-module and PV-inverter manufacturers have already worked successfully with EXXERGY and all necessary business contacts and relations between those companies and EXXERGY are well established
  • EXXERGY has a multi-national team and thus, a high cross cultural competence bridging possible communication gaps between the major Chinese market players and the Western World
  • EXXERGY is very well connected in major RE markets allowing a facilitated access to main players in the RE sector, and thus, can support effectively the identification of investment and market opportunities as well as supporting its assessment


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Through our subsidiary companies NEXXERGY Green Power Trading GmbH and their subsidiaries, we also assist our clients in the area of strategic purchasing of modules, inverters, energy storage systems, and transformers. For more information please click here.


Publication: New Concepts for Quality Management and Insurability as a Key for Future Project Financing

23.04.2013 » More

Publication: Emerging PV Markets: Learning from the German Model

18.04.2013 » More

Member of PV-Experts